Latest Update Information for Launch CRP919E/CRP919X
Latest Update Information from June 8th 2023, Launch CRP919e can support the following functions:
1. Add the
Tire pressure function, and TPMS entry is added in Other Modules on the Home screen;
2. Optimization of data stream loading;
Multilingual languages supported for Special function , newly added languages are as follows: French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Romonia ,Hungarian, Chinese,Slovak, Japanese, Korean ;
4. Add battery detection Entry;
How to use BST360 Battery Tester Function on Launch CRP909E?
1. Update your Launch CRP919E to the latest version, then you will see the BST360 entry on the Main Screen
2. Click the option BST360, then Click
Bluetooth Connection:
3. then connect the BST360 Battery Tester with your car to test it.